PIC Microcontroller Development Board


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This is a PIC Microcontroller Development Board. The MCU socket on board provides support for a 40-pin DIP package of the PIC16F778A controller. This board is intended for general-purpose use and includes a variety of hardware for testing microcontroller peripherals. It’s an excellent tool for debugging, developing, and prototyping code. The all-new board design makes it much more user-friendly than its predecessors, making it ideal for training and development. It is compatible with the PC keyboard, GPS, GSM, Bluetooth, RF_ID, RF wireless, ZigBee, IoT, Switches, keypad, DC motors, stepper motors, servo motors, DTMF, LED & LED matrix, buzzer, Alphanumeric LCD & Graphic, IR, Sound, Ultrasonic, LDR, Voice, Temperature, Humidity, Pulse & Heartbeat Sensors. This MCU board’s construction includes a relay, 2-seven-segment displays, a buzzer, an L293D motor driver, a Bluetooth insert port, an 8-input switch, with output indication etc.


  • Support Microchips Pic16F877A, Pic16F887A, Pic18Fxx Microcontrollers
  • Make in India
Product PIC Microcontroller Development Board
CPU Socket DIP
Microcontroller  PIC Microcontroller 
Wireless Bluetooth
Support Microchips Pic16F877A, Pic16F887A, Pic18Fxx Microcontrollers
Board Dimension (L*W*D) 139*103*18 (mm)
Make Make in India
Country of Origin China