Attiny85 Micro-USB module


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If you want to embed a microcontroller into a project and are looking for something smaller and cheaper than an Arduino and you don’t need a lot of I/O pins or code space, the ATtiny85 can be a good solution. 

Pin Configuration

 Power The module can be powered off the USB connector as with any Arduino boards that have USB connectors.
USB Interface The module uses pins 3 & 4 for USB communications.
I2C Interface The I2C interface is connected to pin 0 (SDA) and pin 2 (SCL).
SPI Interface The SPI interface is connected to pin 0 (MOSI), pin 1 (MISO), and pin 2 (SCK).
Digital I/O Pins 0,1,2,3,4,5 are capable of digital I/O.
Analog Outputs Pins 0 & 1 PWM operates at 504Hz while pin 4 operates at a higher 1007Hz.
Analog Inputs The ATtiny85 has a built-in 10-bit ADC and can read Analog voltages on 4 of the pins.