Showing 65–80 of 162 results

You can use IR Sensor Light Switch (Auto On/Off on Door Opening and Closing) in wardrobes, cabinets, rooms, and other places. It is a short distance IR sensor. The sensor detects an obstacle in range. If anything is present within range (around 5-6cm), Lights gets turned off until the door is closed or the obstacle…

KY-036 is a Metal touch sensor module that utilizes a floating lead of Darlington transistor to detect the touch. There are two LEDs available on the PCB where one is for power indication and the other one illuminates when touch is detected. Features: Main chip: LM393 Working voltage: for DC 5V Single-channel signal output Low-level…

This is an LDR Light Sensor Module. Light Dependent Resistor is a special type of resistor used for the detection of light. As it is a type of resistor hence it doesn’t have any polarity and can be connected in any direction. LDR provides high resistance of several Mega Ohm in the absence of light…

Light Dependent Resistor is a special type of resistor used for the detection of light. As it is a type of resistor hence it doesn’t have any polarity and can be connected in any direction. LDR provides high resistance of several Mega Ohm in the absence of light but as the light starts striking on…

This is an LDR Light Sensor Module with Special Day/Night Invert Logic. Light Dependent Resistor is a special type of resistor used for the detection of light. As it is a type of resistor hence it doesn’t have any polarity and can be connected in any direction. LDR provides high resistance of several Mega Ohm…

The LDR Sensor Module is used to measure light intensity and detect the presence of light. In the presence of light, the module’s output increases, while in the absence of light, it decreases. With a potentiometer, the signal detection’s sensitivity can be changed. It has LM393 devices consist of two independent low voltage comparators designed specifically…


Light Dependent Resistor is a special type of resistor used for the detection of light. As it is a type of resistor hence it doesn’t have any polarity and can be connected in any direction. LDR provides high resistance of several Mega Ohm in the absence of light but as the light starts striking on…

Light Dependent Resistor is a special type of resistor used for the detection of light. As it is a type of resistor hence it doesn’t have any polarity and can be connected in any direction. LDR provides high resistance of several Mega Ohm in the absence of light but as the light starts striking on…


The LM35D Analog Temperature Sensor Module is a temperature sensor based on the LM35. The LM35 Linear Temperature Sensor module may be used to measure the temperature of the surrounding air. Temperature sensitivity is 10 millivolts per degree Celsius. The temperature has a direct relationship with the output voltage. The LM35 is a precision IC…

The 3144 is a hall sensor, which means that if it detects a magnet, the output goes low; otherwise, the output remains high. A magnetic field generated by an electromagnet or a permanent magnet powers Hall effect devices. The user must calibrate the output voltage based on the supply voltage. The output voltage varies in…

Heart Rate click carries Maxim’s MAX30100 integrated pulse oximetry and a heart-rate sensor. It’s an optical sensor that derives its readings from emitting two wavelengths of light from two LEDs – a red and an infrared one – then measuring the absorbance of pulsing blood through a photodetector. This particular LED colour combination is optimized…

MAX30102 is a sensor that combines a pulse oximeter and a heart rate monitor. It’s an optical sensor that measures the absorbance of pulsating blood through a photodetector after emitting two wavelengths of light from two LEDs – a red and an infrared one. This particular LED colour combination is designed to allow data to…

This is a MAX4466 Electret Microphone Amplifier with an Adjustable Gain Module that is completely assembled; the tested board includes a 20-20KHz electret microphone soldered on. It is best suited for voice changes, audio recording, and audio-reactive projects. It also include with a small trimmer pot on the back to adjust the gain. The gain can…

MF72-24R7M is a NTC thermistor, NTC Thermistors are non-linear resistors, which alter their resistance characteristics with temperature. The resistance of NTC will decrease as the temperature increases. The manner in which the resistance decreases is related to a constant known in the electronics industry as beta, or ß. Beta is measured in °K. Its resistance is 4/7…