Showing 145–160 of 162 results

TSOP1838 IR Receiver is a miniaturized receiver for infrared remote control systems. TSOP1838 IR Receiver can detect any signal of 38 kHz (all remotes in India works on 38 kHz) and give output at pin 3 after processing it. TSOP1838 sensor has 3 pins GND, Vcc and Signal. GND is connected to the ground and Vcc…

TTP223 capacitor touch sensor supports momentary or latching/toggle modes. TTP223 works on the input voltage of 2V to 5.5V DC.TTP223 capacitor type single-channel touch sensor provides two working modes i.e., Fast mode and Low power mode which can be selected using the pad option (LPMB pin). Response time of capacitor type TTP223 Touch sensor is…

This is a capacitive touch sensor module with 4 channels. It’s perfect for adding capacitive touch inputs to any project. It can accurately detect up to 4 points. This keypad can also be used in place of a mechanical keypad. To check the status of each pressed key, four status LED SMD types are provided. The…

TTP226 – 8 Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Module having Onboard 8 key TTP226 capacitive touch induction IC and Onboard 8-way level indicator. Capacitive touch allows electronics to detect when your finger is within a few milimeters of a surface, simulating the ‘press’ of a button, similar to how a pushbutton works. Specifications Operating Voltage Range 2.4…

This module operates on 5 V DC voltage and 15 mA current. The operating frequency for the sensor is 40 Hz. The minimum range of the module is 2 CM while its maximum range is 400 CM. Accuracy of the reading displayed by the module is 3 MM. 15° is the measuring angle covered by…

Its Ultrasonic Sensor with Servo Motor and Cartoon Kit, this product has different types of fixed brackets for ultrasonic sensor this kit has frog, spider, Sponge bob and normal fixed bracket for Ultrasonic sensor, It is HC SR04 Ultrasonic sensor , Ultrasonic sensor contains a piezoelectric crystal when we give electrical signal to the sensor the…

This is Vibration/Shock sensor module can be used for various vibration trigger functions, including reported theft alarms, smart cars, electronic building blocks, and more. Please be aware that normally open vibration sensor modules may induce a very slight vibration when the trigger time is very brief, which is insufficient to operate the relay and renders…

The Voltage Sensor is a precise, low-cost voltage sensor. It is based on the resistive voltage divider design approach. Input voltage (up to 25V DC) can be reduced to 5 times. Features Input Voltage: 0 to 25V Voltage Detection Range: 0.02445 to 25 Analog Voltage Resolution: 0.00489V Needs no external components Easy to use with Microcontrollers Specification Input…

W1209 digital temperature controller module is a low cost and highly functional thermostat module which is widely used in automation projects. W1209 thermostat module includes a seven segment LED display and a NTC waterproof temperature sensor. There are 3 switches (SET, + and -) on board to set temperature and other parameters like turning on…

SAIER’s water flow sensor is made of high-quality nylon material, consists of a nylon plastic body, a water rotor, and a hall-effect sensor. The integrated hall effect sensor outputs the corresponding pulse signal with every revolution and is sealed from the water pipe and allows the sensor to stay safe and dry. When water flows through the rotor,…

This is the Water Level Depth Detection Sensor Module. It is easy-to-use and cost-effective with high level/drop recognition sensor by having a series of parallel wires exposed traces measured droplets/water volume in order to determine the water level. Specifciation Working Voltage DC 3-5V Working Current <20mA Sensor Type Analog Detection Area 40 mm x…

A float switch is a device used to sense the level of liquid within a tank, it may actuate a pump, an indicator, an alarm, or other device. A float switch is a device used to sense the level of liquid within a tank. The switch may actuate a pump, an indicator, an alarm, or other…

This is the Water Level Depth Detection Sensor Module. It is easy to use and cost-effective with a high-level/drop recognition sensor by having a series of parallel wires exposed traces measured droplets/water volume in order to determine the water level. Specification Type Water Level Sensor Operating Voltage DC 3-5V Operating Current <20mA Sensor Type Analog No. of…


This Waterproof Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is an industrial-grade sensor to measure distance. Interfacing with it is the same as other cheap ultrasonic sensors, but it offers better performance and can be used in harsher environments and is waterproof too. It can be easily interfaced with Arduino. The recently released new version of SR04T-V3.0 fixes the…

This YF-S201 1/2 inch Water flow sensor consists of a black plastic valve body, a water rotor and a hall effect sensor. 1-30 Litre/min Water can flow through this sensor. This YF-S201 is placed in line with water and its pinwheel sensor detects how much liquid has flowed through it. With every pinwheel revolution magnetic…