Showing 1–16 of 26 results



    Its a 4G LTE development board its used to transfer the data from one point to another point its data transfer rate is 10 for downlink and 5 for uplink in MBPS its power consumption is 300mA in sleep mode less 10mA.It has a port for DC supply its operating voltage is 5V-12V. It has…

  • Arduino Nano 328P Expansion Board Servo Shield


    The Arduino Nano Expansion Board Servo Shield. The Nano Expansion Adapter Breakout Board IO Shield functions as an Arduino Nano microcontroller breakout board. The unit is delivered fully assembled. The Nano 328P IO Expansion Shield allows a simple connection between the 328P Nano and various other devices.  Features Compatible with Arduino NANO. All digital and analog…

  • Arduino Nano Development Board Shield (Without Nano Board)


    This is an Arduino Nano Development Shield Board. All Pins are Breakout Pins are available at Female bugs Connector, which can be used as the main board for developing applications. The most important feature of this board is that we can do as many practicals on a single board without a breadboard like IoT, sensors, gsm, GPS etc. This Nano Shield…

  • Arduino Nano Development Board Shield with Nano


    This is an Arduino Nano Development Shield Board With Arduino Nano. All Pins are Breakout Pins are available at Female bugs Connector, which can be used as the main board for developing applications. The most important feature of this board is that we can do as many practicals on a single board without a breadboard like IoT, sensors, gsm, GPS etc. Arduino…

  • Arduino Nano Expansion Board Servo Shield


    The Arduino Nano Expansion Board Servo Shield. The Nano Expansion Adapter Breakout Board IO Shield functions as an Arduino Nano microcontroller breakout board. The unit is delivered fully assembled. The Nano 328P IO Expansion Shield is specifically designed to allow for a simple connection between the 328P Nano and a variety of other devices. Features Compatible…

  • Arduino UNO/Nano Development Board Shield (without UNO & NANO Board)


    This is an Arduino UNO/Nano Development Shield Board. All Pins are Breakout Pins are available at Female bugs Connector, which can be used as the main board for developing applications. The most important feature of this board is that we can do as many practicals on a single board without a breadboard like IoT, sensors, gsm, GPS etc. This Arduino UNO/Nano…

  • Arduino UNO/Nano Development Board Shield with Nano Board


    This is an Arduino UNO/Nano Development Shield Board with Nano Board. All Pins are Breakout Pins are available at Female bugs Connector, which can be used as the main board for developing applications. The most important feature of this board is that we can do as many practicals on a single board without a breadboard like IoT, sensors, gsm,…

  • Arduino UNO/Nano Development Board Shield with UNO & NANO Board


    This is an Arduino UNO/Nano Development Shield Board with UNO & NANO Board. All Pins are Breakout Pins are available at Female bugs Connector, which can be used as the main board for developing applications. The most important feature of this board is that we can do as many practicals on a single board without a breadboard like IoT,…

  • Arduino UNO/Nano Development Board Shield with UNO Board


    This is an Arduino UNO/Nano Development Shield Board with UNO Board. All Pins are Breakout Pins are available at Female bugs Connector, which can be used as the main board for developing applications. The most important feature of this board is that we can do as many practicals on a single board without a breadboard like IoT, sensors, gsm,…

  • Arduino UNO+NANO Learning Board Shield for DIY Projects


    It is one of the best DIY kits for beginners who are looking to dive into embedded systems and the IoT (Internet of Things) field. This Arduino UNO+NANO Shield is a low-cost open-source IoT platform development shield. You can use either Arduino UNO or NANO module on this board. This board’s construction includes 2-seven-segment displays, a buzzer,…

  • AT89S51/52 Microcontroller Development Board


    This is an AT89S51/52 Microcontroller Development Board. MCS-51 Series Development Board can be used to evaluate and demonstrate the capabilities of microcontrollers. It is a great way to start working with the all-time favourite range of microcontrollers the 8051 series. The board is designed for general-purpose applications and includes a variety of hardware to exercise microcontroller peripherals. This…

  • ATmega2560 Pro Mini CH340 Development Board


    The ATmega2560 microcontroller and the CH340 USB-UART converter are the foundation of the Mega Pro Embed CH340G / ATmega2560 board. With the Arduino Mega 2560, the board is compatible. The board’s 38 x 55mm small form factor makes it a great choice for creating ATmega2560-based projects. The Arduino Mega 2560 is compatible with the Mega…

  • ATMega8A IoT Learning Development Board Kit (Bootloader)


    It is an IOT ATMEGA8A Development Board (Bootloader) . Its AVR 8-bit, 16MHz microcontroller with USB bootloader feature makes it extremely easy to program via USB cable. You just have to drag and drop the HEX file using bootloader software. There is no need for an external programmer. It uses L293D which is best suitable…

  • ATMega8A IoT Learning Development Board Kit With Relay (Bootloader)


    It is an IOT ATMEGA8A Development Board ( Bootloader) with a relay. Its AVR 8-bit, 16MHz microcontroller with USB bootloader feature makes it extremely easy to program via USB cable. You just have to drag and drop the HEX file using bootloader software. There is no need for an external programmer. The relay allows low-power…

  • AVR ATMega Microcontroller Development Board


    This is an AVR ATMega16/32 Microcontroller Development Board. The MCU socket on board provides support for a 40-pin DIP package. This board is intended for general-purpose use and includes a variety of hardware for testing microcontroller peripherals. It’s an excellent tool for debugging, developing, and prototyping code. The all-new board design makes it much more…

  • AVR ATMega8 Bootloader Mini Development Board


    This is an AVR ATMega8 Bootloader Mini Development Board. It is specially designed Bootloader Mode by using BOOT Button on board, with no need for a separate programmer. The board has Atmega8 MCU with a USB bootloader feature, hence no external programmer is required which means this can easily program by USB Cable only. This has on board…