Showing 17–19 of 19 results

  • Hoki Soldering and De-soldering Paste


    This Hoki Soldering and De-soldering Paste is ideal for soldering/De-soldering wide electric & electronics components, touch-ups, repairs, or reworks of surface mount assemblies and bonding will be free from faulty soldering problems. Appearance is like butter-soft paste, combined with high intensity, Neutral PH value and insulation is a strong, smooth welding surface. Suitable for mobile…

  • HY510 Grey Thermal Paste


    This thermal paste offers high performance and good thermal conductivity ratings. It features a very low contact resistance and creates an ultra-thin bond line. Suitable for CPU and Peltier cooling and other power electronic heat-sink applications. It is used to fill the gap between the CPU and the heat sink is thermal paste. This substance is…

  • Thermal Paste
